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Frequently asked questions

What can I expect when I visit True Gospel Baptist Church (TGBC)?

You can expect a spirit filled worship experience.  

You can expect to hear the word of God preached from the Bible.  

You can expect the True Gospel Church Family to welcome you with open arms into God's house.
We look forward to meeting you in person soon!

What will the service be like?

We begin our service with Praise and Worship.  Our musical style is best described as blended, meaning you may hear many different styles of music. We do have a strong preference for anthems, gospel, and hymns however. Hymnals can be found in the pew racks along with Bibles.  We try to keep the mechanics of our service to a minimum so you can focus your heart on the reason we are there; to worship. We welcome all first time visitors so we’ll ask you to stand and greet you.  During the service it’s not uncommon for worshippers to lift a hand and/or say amen.  We always follow the direction of the Holy Spirit! You will hear a sermon.  Following the sermon the preacher will always offer an Invitation to Christian Discipleship to anyone who has made a decision to give their life to Christ and/or join our church. 

What should I wear?

Come as you are.  

John 7:24 - “Judge not according to appearance, but judge righteous judgement”


Joel 2:13 - “And rent your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto The Lord your God”. 


1 Samuel 16:7 - “But The Lord said to Samuel, look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart”. Please avoid all offensive or suggestive clothing. All we are asking is that you come to worship Him in spirit and in truth with all your heart. 

Where can I park?

Parking is available in the parking lot adjacent to the church. Please obey all parking signs.

Is your church accessible to people with disabilities?

Certainly we have handicapped accessible parking spaces, restrooms and the sanctuary is on one level and is accessible as well.  

If I don’t have a church background at all, will I feel comfortable when I visit?

Many of our members have come with no church background and have found a home here. You should feel right at home whether you have a deep faith in Christ or if you don’t. We provide anyone who is questioning, seeking, and/or doubting a free environment to search and study, as well as welcome them with acceptance and love. We welcome and embrace all of God's children. We are committed to winning souls for Christ and becoming the people of God that the Lord intends us to be.

Are all people welcome at TGBC?



Matthew 11:28 - “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”; 

We are true believers in the Word and open our hearts to those who seek the Lord. We won’t turn anyone away but our direction, our walk, our worship and our works are spirit led by God.  We seek to open up the hearts and minds of others to embrace Jesus Christ and to forego the sins of this world.

What does TGBC offer children and youth?

We are committed to ministering to children and youth. We offer Sunday School classes, Youth Chorus and our youth take part in our worship services. One of our key goals is to minister to the young at heart. We plan outings and other activities for our youth. Children of all ages are welcome in our service.

Do you have a food pantry?

Yes, we do.  It is open at various times throughout the year.

How can I become a member of TGBC?

After the sermon and during the Invitation to Christian Discipleship, this invitation is extended to you if you are in need of a church home, a member of another church in search for a new church home, or someone who is temporarily living away from their church home and want to affiliate with us while you are living here (another name is watch care). An Associate Minister and Deacon will escort you to the Deacons office for further exchange of information. You will be asked some questions.  All persons with a desire to become a member must complete a series of four new member classes. After completion, you will be baptized if you are a new person joining the church for the first time. For others joining us from another church, have been baptized before, or temporarily away from their home church may join based on their Christian experience. After completion of the new members' class and/or baptism, you will then be introduced before the congregation and assigned a Deacon. The assigned Deacon is your point of contact during your spiritual growth at True Gospel.

How do I know when I’m a member?

After successfully completing the new member classes, after baptism and/or being presented to the congregation, and being assigned a Deacon, then you are a full-time fledged member of True Gospel Baptist Church.

What must I do to get baptized?

Acknowledge, "I have sinned and need a Savior." Confess your sin to God and ask for forgiveness, repent (turn away from sin). Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Attend a worship service and publicly accept the Reverend or Minister officiating the service Invitation to Christian Discipleship to become a disciple/member of True Gospel Baptist Church.  (See How can I become a member of TGBC?)


[Attend a four week, one hour each week, orientation session.]


Believe in your heart that God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus into the world to pay the penalty for sinners. That Jesus shed his precious blood on the cross, was crucified and gave His life so that sinners could be forgiven and have everlasting life. One must believe in his heart and trust in God’s word that Jesus was buried and God raised Him up from the grave with all power in His hands. One must believe God and trust him to do what He promised in His word to do.

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