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Other Ministries

Christian Education Ministry


Provides leadership and members with sound doctrinal teaching through classes, seminars, and workshops. 

These avenues will enhance spiritual growth, development, and renewal opportunities to make disciples for Jesus Christ. In addition, provides interpretation of systemic theology, Christian ethics, Christian history, and Christian polity.

Communication Ministry


Provides support for all internal and external Church publicity. Assist with programs, flyers, handouts and any written correspondence highlighting a program or special event.

Evangelism Ministry


In the spirit of love and in the name of Jesus Christ, becoming effective "fishers of men" within the community and metropolitan area, offering fresh bread, and living water to the spiritually destitute.

Fellowship Ministry


Provides assistance at Church functions that require food and/or beverages.

Music Ministry


Provide worship and praise music for all services and events at the Church. Organize and supervise all choirs deemed necessary by the Church and oversee the general oversight and direction of the music ministry of the Church.

Transportation Ministry


Provide reliable and safe transportation to the congregation, ministries, and the community for all Church events as well as other outside outreach, fellowship, worship, and praise events.

Usher Ministry


Serve as greeters and welcome members, family, friends and visitors to our sanctuary always seeking to create a warm, hospitable, and caring atmosphere at the various services at the Church.

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